Stable Program

If you operate a horse facility, riding school, or boarding barn, we would like you to join us as a Stable Program Partner.

Horse facilities are the hub of equestrian activity. Safety in the management of facilities is an important factor in keeping horses and riders healthy and happy.

The Stable Program requires the following:

  • A PDF copy of the current stable insurance document with a minimum $2,000,000 commercial liability coverage. If your insurance expires mid-year, please include a copy of the current policy and forward a copy of the future term policy when it is renewed
  • Current adult OE membership
  • A copy of the emergency action plan, facility rules, policies, and/or procedures (they should also be posted in a public area of the facility)
  • Acknowledgment of the Stable’s liability waiver

In exchange for this commitment Ontario Equestrian will:

  • Provide a listing on our directory of riding stables, and will only recommend riders to those stables
  • Provide access to our Events Calendar to promote your events
  • Support stables in the participation of programming including:
    • Hosting OE Coach and Athlete Development Clinics
    • Instructor and Coach Evaluations
    • Participation in the Ticket to Ride program

If you would like to join the Stable Program please join through our Membership system
