New OEF By-laws Passed Unanimously During June 3 Meeting of the Members

SGM Photo - PCOEF Members Pass New Bylaws – June 3rd, 2016

During a special Meeting for Ontario Equestrian Federation (OEF) members, held at the Caledon Equestrian Park, the new proposed bylaws were presented and voted on. For members unable to attend, a proxy vote was made available to all eligible voting members. A total of 32 proxy votes were received and put forward by proxy holders who attended the meeting.

Upon completion of the bylaw presentation, and responding to questions from the floor, the following motion was made:

Motion: Be it resolved that the members of the Ontario Equestrian Federation (“OEF”), at a duly called Special General Meeting held on June 3, 2016, for which proper notice was given, hereby repeal OEF’s existing Bylaws, and ratify the revised By-laws, as contained within the document dated June 3, 2016 and titled “Ontario Equestrian Federation By-laws”.

The revised By-laws shall take effect immediately and be binding upon the OEF and its members.

Board Composition During Transition: Pursuant to Article XIV of the revised By-laws, all Directors and Officers currently holding office will continue to hold office until the 2016 Annual General Meeting. At that meeting, the new Board structure and phased in election process will take effect, as outlined under Article XIV. 

Moved: Peter Chiddy                                 Second: Allan Ehrlick                                 Carried

*The vote was unanimous among all members, in favor of accepting the new bylaws without any abstentions.

To view the passed bylaws, please click HERE


The proposed Bylaws are an important next step in realizing the exciting #LEADCHANGE Strategic Plan initiatives and the new commitment to and focus on, the participant experience for 2016 and beyond. This proposal is part of the evolution towards enhancing the participant experience for all Ontarians of all ages and skill levels.

The new board structure and accountabilities will focus the organization on the strategic priorities of delivering excellent, relevant and meaningful initiatives from grassroots to high performance for riders/drivers, coaches, facilities and officials.

For more information on the OEF’s new #LEADCHANGE strategic plan, please click HERE

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