Notice of a Special General Meeting of the Members


Notice of a Special General Meeting of the Members
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a Special Meeting of the members of THE ONTARIO EQUESTRIAN FEDERATION will be held as follows:
Friday, June 3, 2016
Caledon Equestrian Park
200 Pine Avenue, Caledon, ON  L7E 0M1
6:30 pm
The purpose of the meeting is to approve the new Bylaws by a vote of the members.
The new Bylaws are being put forward to the members by the Board of Directors to align them to the Ontario Corporations Act and proposed Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (2010).
The proposed new Bylaws are attached to this notice.
The Vote for the New Bylaws will follow the procedures outlined in the current Bylaws: /wp-content/uploads/2011/10/OEF-By-Laws-2014-Final-Signed-Copy.pdf
To download a PDF copy of the New Proposed OEF By-Laws: CLICK HERE 
Thank you for your continued support of the Ontario Equestrian Federation.
The Board of Directors

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