Tuesday March 17, 2020
To all members of the Equestrian Community in Ontario:
Since we issued our notice yesterday stating that we are suspending all Ontario Equestrian (OE) and Equestrian Canada (EC) Sanctioned competitions, clinics etc., The Ontario Government has enacted a Declaration of Emergency to Protect the Public.
Among other things, this declaration mandates that “All facilities providing indoor recreational programs” are required to close immediately.
We have sought legal advice on this matter and this has determined that RIDING FACILITIES ARE INCLUDED IN THIS DEFINITION. We, therefore, strongly urge that all Riding Facilities in Ontario immediately close to the public and cease all lessons, camps, etc. until this State of Emergency is lifted.
For greater certainty we are recommending that only employees needed to take care of the facilities and our Equine Partners be allowed on the premises.
We empathize especially with the facility owners, athletes and coaches who are so deeply affected by this situation. Ontario Equestrian is committed to continue working alongside our partners to ensure that we are making informed decisions, in alignment with our values, while continuing to work towards the best possible outcome for all those involved in our sport and the broader community. We will continue to closely monitor all COVID-19 developments in consultation with relevant public health authorities, other governing bodies and our provincial partners to provide updates as they become available. For your convenience, we have provided the link to the Ontario Government’s official communications for Coronavirus (COVID-19.
These are difficult and unprecedented times as a world community. Please reach out to us if you need any further support – info@ontarioequestrian.ca
The Board and Staff of Ontario Equestrian