Coach Education
Ontario Equestrian has a strong team of Coach Developers ready to help you work towards your education and certification goals. We host a variety of options for education, including working with mentors in cohorts, online training, in-person education and training through our national and provincial coaching partners.
Coach Training and Education is available both online, and in person, through the ECampus. You can find all of our scheduled training opportunities in our events calendar.
ECampus Training
Education and training opportunities include online asynchronous elearning through the ECampus:
- EC Concussion Awareness (mandatory in Ontario, free for OE members to complete)
- EC Fostering Healthy Equestrian Environments (mandatory in Ontario, free for OE members to complete)
- EC Lunging Foundations - This course is for instructors, competition coaches, competition coach specialists, trainers and athletes. The training will help you lunge safely and also prepare instructor and coach candidates for evaluation day.
- Equine Code of Practice - This training program aims to create awareness around Canada’s standard of care, the Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Equines. The equine Code is a guide to sound management and welfare practices for horses, ponies, donkeys and mule owners and caregivers. These resources offer insights into animal care and welfare.
- Conditioning the Sport Horse - At all levels of Equestrian sport, competing horses rely on athletes to do what is best for their health and welfare. It is imperative for anyone involved in horse training and riding/driving to speak with their trainers, coaches and veterinarians about properly conditioning your horses for competition. This course teaches the basics of Equine Conditioning.
Equestrian Specific Coach Training
Ontario Equestrian hosts in-person and online live training for Instructors and Coaches and coach candidates through the ECampus:
- EC NCCP Long-Term Equestrian Development (all coaching contexts) This module provides participants with an explanation and exploration of ‘What is LTED’ and where both athletes and coaches fit. Participants will understand that the LTED Framework defines optimal training, competition, and recovery programs based on biological age rather than chronological age, therefore based on human growth and development principles.
- EC NCCP Plan an Equestrian Practice (all coaching contexts) Plan an Equestrian Practice helps coaches develop the skills needed to plan a practice (lesson) that meets the standard of the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) and to develop an Emergency Action Plan.
- EC NCCP Design an Equestrian Sport Program (Competition coaching contexts) The Design an Equestrian Sport Program teaches coaches how to design a basic sport program. Upon completion, you will be able to complete most of the portfolio submission requirements for Competition Coach Specialist.
- EC NCCP Manage an Equestrian Sport Program (Competition coaching contexts) The Manage an Equestrian Sport Program training teaches coaches how to effectively manage an equestrian sport program in order to meet the training and competition needs of athletes. Upon completion, you will be able to complete some of the portfolio submission requirements for Competition Coach Specialist.
- EC NCCP Analyzing Beginner Equestrian Performance (Instructor and Competition Coach) Analyzing Beginner Equestrian Performance teaches the equestrian instructor and coach how to apply a basic framework to detect and correct skill errors in beginner participants. Upon completion, you will be able to: Detect common errors and prioritize them for correction, Analyze performance errors and help beginner participants understand and make corrections
- EC NCCP Performance Planning and Advanced Practice Planning for Equestrian Sport (Competition Development) The Performance Planning and Advanced Practice Planning for equestrian sport module allows coaches to reflect on the structure of a yearly plan, and appropriately sequence training and development priorities so as to achieve peak performance and should be taken after Design an Equestrian Sport Program.
- OE Lunging Clinic (all coaching contexts)
- OE Evaluation Day Preparation Clinic (Instructor and Coach)
Multi-Sport Training (through Coaches Association of Ontario)
- NCCP Make Ethical Decisions (all coaching contexts)
- NCCP Teaching and Learning (all coaching contexts)
- NCCP Basic Mental Skills (all coaching contexts)
- NCCP Sport Nutrition (all coaching contexts)
- NCCP Coaching and Leading Effectively (all coaching contexts)
- NCCP Leading Drug-Free Sport
- NCCP Developing Athletic Abilities
- NCCP Managing Conflict
- NCCP Prevention and Recovery
- NCCP Psychology of Performance
Make Ethical Decisions – Online Evaluation