Rookie Riders

Rookie Riders is designed for children (5-12) of all abilities who are new to horseback riding. Whether they’ve never ridden before or have limited experience, this program is the perfect start.

build equestrian skills with confidence

Learn Fundamental Movement Skills

Rookie Riders begins by learning to work with horses safely, practicing fundamental movement skills with basic gymnastics and riding a “barrel horse”.

Develop physical literacy

By enrolling in Rookie Riders with a local stable, school or community centre, participants develop the physical literacy skills required to ride and transferable to any sport.

experience the joy of horses

Once participants have developed balance, flexibility, coordination and confidence on the barrel, they can advance to an introduction to riding horses.

become A Rookie Rider

A girl sitting on a Rookie Riders barrel with a coach leading exercises

By joining, members have access to trained coaches and personal liability coverage to ensure participants become confident riders.

A rider on a horse in flag position

Search for Rookie Riders Instructors and Coaches at stables and community centres across the province.

A rider on a horse being lunged by a coach

Rookie Riders will need athletic clothing (fitted pants, shirt) and gym shoes. Helmets and boots are required for riding horses.



I am beyond thrilled about the Rookie Riders program. This is an excellent program that will help make the sport accessible to a new generation.
Ian Millar
Canadian Olympian - Show Jumping
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the Rookie Riders training at Hope Haven this week! It's a wonderful and really worthwhile program. We should be able to modify many aspects of it for our Adaptive Riding Program. The facilitators were amazing: knowledgeable, positive, supportive and professional. I learned so much from them and the other participant coaches. And I had a lot of fun!
Anonymous Parent
Hope Haven training
The materials and content are excellent!
Annette Chin-Dundas
Rookie Riders is a fun, interactive program that introduces children and communities to the equestrian sport. It motivates, builds confidence and engages children through every aspect of the program. As a Rookie Riders facilitator the best part is seeing the smile on a child’s face as they progress through the skills and learn about the horse.
Danielle Yaghdjian
Pickering Horse Centre
The Rookie Riders program exceeded my expectations. I learned so much and had a great time!
Hope Haven training
I just love the program and understand the importance of it for the development of the sport as a safe start for kids.
Pickering training
The Rookie Rider program provides a well rounded base of fundamental movement skills neatly paired with an introduction to the world of horses. As a certified High Performance Eventing coach, the benefit I have seen first hand in this program development of athletes across the country with a well defined curriculum, a broad base of equestrian education and an excellent opportunity to expand physical literacy. Well done Rookie Riders!
Ruth Allum
Oakhurst Farm
Rookie Riders is a great tool for coaches to use to develop athletes and it is a great tool to use at events to promote our sport.
A Rookie Riders barrel in an arena

Rookie Riders

With training, teachers and equestrian Instructors and Coaches can deliver the Rookie Riders program.


Find answers to commonly asked questions about Rookie Riders.

What is Rookie Riders?

Rookie Riders is a program designed for new riders - age 5-12, who want to learn horseback riding. It offers Fundamental Movement Skills with gym mats and a barrel horse, beginner-friendly lessons, educational resources, and supportive coaches.

What are the benefits of Rookie Riders?

Rookie Riders students learn fundamental movement skills while developing the foundational physical literacy needed to begin riding horses confidently. Basic horse care and working safely around horses give graduates of the program the skills needed to challenge their Learn to Ride 1 English or Western. Students engaged in the Rookie Riders program will enjoy basic equestrian education in a fun and safe environment.

What equipment is needed for participants?
Initially, if the Rookie Riders program is being offered in a gym class or recreation centre - and horses are not involved - normal gym wear is the only requirement for participants.  The gym part of the program includes rolling, jumping, mounting a barrel and general gym based moves and games. Clothing that is not too loose and flappy, and flexible and well fitted is all you need!

If joining a rookie riders program that includes horses and participants will be riding horses during the course, the most important item that cannot be ridden without is an ASTM certified riding helmet. Wearing a helmet to ride a horse is the law for minors in Ontario and is strongly recommended for all adults. Riding helmets are specifically designed to protect against the types of head injuries an equestrian could experience, without interfering with their ability to ride safely.
While it’s tempting to buy a used helmet, it’s essential to purchase a new helmet that you know has no structural damage that may compromise your safety. A reputable tack store (equestrian apparel store) will carry certified helmets and will be able to assist you in selecting a properly fitting helmet that meets your needs.
Investing in a pair of riding boots is a good idea, but it’s not essential for your first few lessons. Make sure that the footwear for riding has a half-inch to one-inch heel to prevent a foot from becoming caught in the stirrup. Also, make sure the boots worn do not have a wide, thick sole, as these can make it difficult to remove a foot from the stirrup. Anytime people work around horses, boots should be worn.
Fitted pants, preferably with no in-seam that can rub legs, will be sufficient when first starting out. It can be tempting to wear shorts during the hot summer months, but they offer no protection to legs, which will be pinched and rubbed by the saddle. Avoid thin or loose-fitting pants, like leggings or jogging pants, which can be slippery on the seat of the saddle.
Avoid loose-fitting clothing, hoodies, jewellery or scarves, which could get caught while working around the horse or mounting and dismounting. Shirts should be tucked in for both safety and overall neat presentation.
Is there any adaptive equipment for special physical needs?

Yes, the Rookie Riders program has adaptive equipment and exercises for all participants to enjoy, ask your facility to provide the appropriate adaptions to accommodate the specific physical abilities prior to joining a program.

How can you contact us?

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our team. You can also reach us by calling our office.

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A pile of Rookie Riders ribbons