2023 OE Annual General Meeting

In accordance with the Ontario Equestrian Federation By-law (Article 3.1) the Annual Meeting of Members shall be held in Ontario, not later than fifteen (15) months after the last AGM. 

Therefore, notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Members of Ontario Equestrian will be held:

Date:       Monday, June 12, 2023
Location:  Virtual Online Meeting (Zoom)
Time:      6:00 pm

To attend the 2023 OE AGM, please click below to *register.

*Please note: all current-year OE members are eligible to register and attend the OE AGM

Voting privileges are restricted to current-year, adult members who reside in Ontario. Adult members are defined as 18 years of age or older as of Jan. 1 of the current year.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email including information on how to join the meeting.  


An amended form of by-law for Ontario Equestrian will be put forward for approval during the June 12, 2023, AGM. A meeting for all members is being held virtually to review the proposed changes before being voted on during the AGM.

Please register below for the by-law meeting:

Date:      Thursday, June 1, 2023

Location:  Virtual Online Meeting (Zoom)

Time:      6:30 pm


5:55 pm  Log in to Zoom (instructions will be emailed to you once you register)

6:00 pm  Annual General Meeting of Members

7:00 pm  Adjournment 


Report from the Nominations Committee, click HERE

Draft Minutes of the 2022 AGM, click HERE

Amended Form of By-law, click HERE

Approved Audited Financial Statements for 2022 Fiscal Year, click HERE

*If you cannot attend this year’s virtual AGM, but would still like to vote, please submit your proxy by June 11, 2023, by 4:00 pm.


There are three Director positions open, each for a three-year term. 

Bios of the seven candidates put forward by the Board of Directors are as follows:

Please click on the “VOTE HERE” button to vote for three candidates.

AGM Proxy Form – 2023* HERE

We encourage all eligible members to vote and attend the AGM on June 12, 2023.


Tracey McCague-McElrea
Executive Director
Ontario Equestrian

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